Fr. Ned Hassett P.P
On behalf of the parishioners, welcome to the
Parish of Abbeyside, Ballinroad and Garranbane
website. Since I took up my appointment here I am continually discovering the wealth of human and natural qualities in this parish. I look forward to us getting to know each other more and more as time passes and our paths continue to cross. I hope to both lead and learn as we all falter and fumble to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, the most perfect human being ever. It is my hope, that as we grow deeper into our humanity, both in its pleasant and painful aspects, we like Jesus will become gradually more aware of our spiritual capacity and identity. Let’s together grow into God, our Creator and Energiser, and into each other as part of God’s cosmic community; and let’s allow God to grow into us, melting and moulding us in love and joy, peace and justice, awe and wonder. Welcome!