Parish of Abbeyside
Ballinroad & Garranbane


Donation Options
  • Once you click the Donation button below you will be able to select any of the following donation options.
  1. Priests’ Collection - Christmas Collection
    Thank you for your donation in support of your local priests.
  2. General Parish Running Costs
    Thank you for your donation in support of the upkeep of our parish.
  3. Stipend for Mass
    Thank you for your donation to the priest for a booked mass.
  4. Building Renovation
    Thank you for your donation towards the building renovation
  5. Sacristans Collection
    Thank you for your donation towards the support of the Sacristans.
  6. Church Wedding Booking Fee
    Thank you for booking your Wedding.
  7. Wedding / Baptism offering
    Thank you for your donation to the priest / Sacristan for your booked Wedding/ Baptism.
  8. Ordering Of Certificates
    Thank you for your payment.
  9. Hall Rental Payment
    Thank you for your payment.
Monthly Donation (Repeated)

Please note that Monthly Donations will be charged to your payment card on a monthly basis until you cancel the subscription or the payment details have expired.

N/month until cancelled

Sunday Masses

Abbeyside Church
7.00pm Vigil Mass (Saturday)
9.30am and 12.00 noon

Ballinroad Church

Garranbane Church

Terms & Conditions

Other Mass Times

Abbeyside Church
Monday to Friday – 10.00am
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament takes place on Tuesdays after 10am Mass until 4.30pm

Garranbane Church
Church Holy Days 11.00am

Contact Details

Parish Office
Strandside South,
Abbeyside, Dungarvan,
County Waterford.
X35 V262

Tel: (058)45787


Heritage Council

St. Augustine church, Abbeyside has received confirmation from The Heritage Council of Ireland that funding towards the cost of re-pointing the Bell Tower has been granted.