Download: Celebration of Marriage Booklet
Download: Marriage Booking Form
Welcome to any couple considering getting married in any of our parish churches. Bookings are arranged through the Parish Office. Congratulations – it is an exciting time for you. We hope the following information will be helpful in your preparations.
While you need to give a minimum of three months’ notice of your intention to marry, it is common practice to book the Church a long time in advance. Bookings are arranged through the Parish Office. Please confirm at an early date that both parties are free to marry in the Catholic Church. This is the responsibility of the couple. If one party has been married previously (civil or religious ceremony) it is advisable to establish that that party is free to marry in the Catholic Church before making any arrangements.
The Civil Authorities also have requirements which must be fulfilled. The local Office for the State Registrar is located in Dungarvan Hospital Tel No: (058)20900
So what is Marriage?
Marriage is one of the seven Sacraments of the Church. For Christians, Marriage is a vocation and it reflects God’s love to the world in a particular way. Married people in their exclusive and lifelong commitment to each other witness to and continue to draw strength from how Jesus loves us.
Marriage is celebrated as a liturgy of the Church. It usually takes place during Mass (the Eucharist). However, it can also be celebrated outside Mass and in certain instances this form of the ritual can be more appropriate given the faith and religious practice of the couple.
For all requirements for catholic weddings visit the Accord website.